
As He writes, His mind wonders all the time,
If He’s having an out of body experience that never ends.
With no idea of where he begins or ends
His decisions, His thoughts, feelings and connections – No way of telling if they are truly His.
The voice inside, always whispering, pushing, deciding and driving Him.
Never able to resist the call even with all His might.
Could it be His conscience? His soul? Or the voice of an outside entity? God? The Devil? Or is He just losing His mind?
He’s always felt different, never felt like He fits in anywhere.
No one’s ever understood Him, not even Himself, there’s nothing for Him here.
Feeling He was born of hate,
His thoughts linger, always dark and scary could this be His fate?
Looking in the mirror He could never see His reflection, all He sees are shadows, never His face.
And so He wonders if He can be saved or is it just too late?

Talking to Himself with a voice so lazy.
Maybe He is just crazy, Maybe He is lost.
Without the slightest hint of why He’s here’
He feels He doesn’t belong here,
This world has done nothing but reject Him.

Leaving Him with scars and fear.
Always so cold, alone, confused and always close to tears.
Most of who He is inside will never be known or seen by anyone –
His life, His story, His feelings, dreams and thoughts, He never discusses with anyone.
All His words and inner thoughts forever locked inside.
Never able to say what He means, He chose to stay out of site.
So even those He holds dear and close to His heart will never know the depth of His love for them.
Maybe He’s just a coward, weak like a branch detached from its stem.
Or maybe He was born into the wrong timeline
He believes with all His might He doesn’t belong here.
In this land of fear
Nothing about this world makes sense to Him’
This world has done nothing but reject Him.

Again and Again
All that He knows is pain
Yet He hardly complains
Always willing to help with nothing to gain.
Yet this world keeps rejecting Him
again and again.

He doesn’t belong here.
In this land of fear
Nothing about this world makes sense to Him’

He lacks empathy.
He feels no sympathy.
His conviction of right and wrong depends on reasons behind actions.
With a distorted world view,
Not seeing what others do.
Left fumbling for meaning and acceptance in a place He doesn’t belong.
If He could, He would go all day long ranting about life and it’s misfortunes,
Blessings that never come through,
About how He needs to be understood too.
As He writes, putting little to no effort or thought,
Just letting His heart guide His pen

His heart bleeds.
The pain He’s endured, enough to last several lifetimes.
He has no faith, no beliefs no earthly ties.
An empty vessel, Misplaced His soul at birth,
He holds no fear of death.
So He stands a chunk of broken peaces, screaming to be put together, but He knows, DEEP DOWN HE KNOWS the day will never come; He’ll stay broken until He is committed back to the earth.
He sits, envisioning a world without Him,
How perfect it would be,
How painless it would be,
How lovely it would be,
A paradise having never existed.
If only there was a way to erase one’s self from existence,
every trace and purge every memory in an instant.

He doesn’t belong here.
In this land of fear
Nothing about this world makes sense to Him’

He doesn’t know who he is
He doesn’t know why he’s here
No reason to go on without an answer to why He was born.

He is in pain
He is an embodiment of pain
All these years of life with nothing to gain
No flags to be flown
No achievements to be shown.
None that matter anyway.

He looks at the depth of His being and sees no light, as if He was locked in a windowless room.
Brings back memories of His time in that cursed womb.

Nothing about this world makes sense to Him’

He lacks passion
Living with no real desires
His purpose, the opposite of purpose.
-He exists-
But all He thinks off is death
He wants to die’
He needs to die’
He has to die’
And so He tries
Again and again
The rope keeps snapping
He cannot die
So He cries
Nothing about this world makes sense to Him’
He doesn’t know who he is
He doesn’t know why he’s here
For Him it always ends in tears

© 2019 KnownStranger


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